HIV Prevention Programme

If something happened which made you fear that you might have been exposed to HIV, you need to get tested right away. Whether you suffered trauma or were accidentally exposed, you also need professional advice and answers to your questions.

Our prevention programme offers tests and consultations. You can also call a 24-hour helpline for the help you need.

  • Up to three HIV blood tests per incident – immediately after then six weeks and again three months later. If the first blood test is positive, further testing is not covered.
  • Up to three consultations per incident with a specialist at an accredited medical institution.

Remember that antiretroviral medication is only effective up to 72 hours after exposure. You should report incidents within 24 to 48 hours. If exposure has been established and your status was negative when the incident occurred, you have access to:
  • A 30-day starter pack of antiretroviral medication if the HIV blood test is negative at the initial testing.
  • A seven-day course of STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) medication.
  • A morning-after pill to prevent pregnancy.
  • One year access to the HIV management programme.
  • Don't be too scared to call and get tested. You will get help and support.

Dial *130*3272*01# and we’ll call you back. Or call one of these numbers:
South Africa & Namibia 0800 00 45 45
Botswana, Lesotho & Swaziland +27 11 991 8258

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HIV Prevention Programme HIV Prevention Programme Reviewed by Michelle Pienaar on November 03, 2018 Rating: 5
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