Feel good in your skin and clothes by making a few necessary and small adjustments to your favourite clothing items.

Style always takes centre stage when one chooses to purchase an item, and sometimes options can be limited because they tend to stick to the same items, wary to explore more options. An overlooked factor when it comes to style is the fit; you may have chosen the best item for your body but if it doesn’t fit well, then it takes away from its attractiveness.

People often conclude that if they purchase a clothing item, then it should be left as is — because how it fits is normal as it was made that way. Correct? Wrong! We all have different shaped and sized bodies – and it's okay to get a brand-new item slightly nipped and tucked to fit you better. The right fit flatters your body and even balances that slight weight gain or loss, boosting your confidence — because you (obviously) look good too.

Think about it; if you have gained a bit of weight and you wear something that fits too tightly or loosely, what happens? It either highlights the weight gain or makes you appear bigger than you actually are.

Guided by menswear stylist and men's style expert, Ashley Weston’s advice, we have rounded up key items that need to fit properly for the best possible look.

Although casual and easy to slip on, how your t-shirt hugs your body makes the first impression before any other layer. Whether it’s crew or v-necks, your t-shirt should not fit too tightly or loosely- even if you’ve got some muscles to show off. Pay special attention to the sleeves if you have slim arms, and make sure they are not too wide.

These tend to be taken for granted because they are formal, and formal clothes are not meant to look as attractive, right? That’s not the case. The key things to pay attention to are the width of the shoulders, and the seams need to be just where the shoulder meets the arm. The fit around the sleeves and body should be neither too tight nor too big, and the length of the arms need to be just right too, cutting off where the wrist meets the hand.

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Just like t-shirts, these are casual and how they look and fit may be taken for granted. In fact, well-fitting jeans can be quite flattering, to the point of carrying a whole look, and can be dressed up or down. Avoid or fix the following: extra length, bagginess, tightness, and a sagging bottom. The right colour and style have a direct link to your age, so if you’re a bit older, leave the more elaborate styles to younger folk and stick to plain, darker colours.

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A blazer is not something you just throw on to appear formal, it’s what distinguishes novices from a mature and refined taste. The length of your blazer is what carries it, from the arms to the crotch. If you’re shorter, the length should be just by the middle of the crotch, and lower if you’re taller. The sleeves need to be about a centimetre above your wrist to allow your shirt to show. And just like the shirt, the lines of the shoulders should end where the shoulder meets the arm — this will tapper perfectly along the body too.


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Extra sources: ashleyweston.com


A GENT’S GUIDE FOR CHOOSING THE RIGHT FIT A GENT’S GUIDE FOR CHOOSING THE RIGHT FIT Reviewed by Michelle Pienaar on November 18, 2021 Rating: 5
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