Can you believe it’s almost time to say goodbye to 2022? With sensational weather and a fully booked holiday schedule – have you stopped to take a breath yet? If hitting the snooze button every five minutes and getting two extra coffees doesn't cut it anymore, then like many of us, you’ve been met with end-of-year fatigue – and boy do we need a break...

According to psychiatric intake clinician Megan Hosking, end-of-year fatigue is a phenomenon experienced by many as the year ends. Symptoms include tiredness, irritability and overwhelm. Sound familiar?

Here are three ways to beat the end-of-year fatigue.

Looming deadlines and daily stressors may haunt your dreams resulting in a lack of much-needed quality shut-eye. Fatigue affects our sleeping schedule, and we end up feeling even more tired when the dawn strikes. Aim for at least seven to eight hours of good quality sleep each night. It will not only rejuvenate your brain but boost your mood and productivity too. Make your bedroom a peaceful haven and try breathing exercises while in bed – put away your perilous phone for a sound slumber.

Comfort food might seem like your bestie (looking at you, cheesy fries) when you are tired and stressed out. But a balanced meal is going to keep you better nourished. The delicious nutrients will decrease stress and energise you once you’ve eaten. That doesn’t mean you can’t indulge now and again but ease up on your intake of certain things – like caffeine. Sugars and caffeine are a quick fix, but the rush of energy will leave you feeling more tired than before you had that cuppa joe.

Taking care of yourself can be a challenge when you’re feeling exhausted, but we promise it’ll make a world of difference. It doesn’t need to be an entire spa day – small acts of self-care can be a real game changer. Shut down for an hour, sip on some hot tea and read a few pages of your favourite book. Go for a walk, call a good friend, or take a well-deserved nap. Self-care looks different for different people, but you know you’re doing it right if you feel replenished and ready to tackle these last few moments of the year.

HOW TO BEAT END-OF-YEAR FATIGUE HOW TO BEAT END-OF-YEAR FATIGUE Reviewed by Michelle Pienaar on December 21, 2022 Rating: 5
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