Times are changing in the grooming world. A good face wash, shaving supplies and beard-care products might be the obvious items that you should be investing in to ensure your face looks its finest. But if you’re looking to take your grooming game to the next level, these are the latest trends to try.

If you tend to wake up looking puffy, facial rollers will be your new secret weapon. Think of it as a daily massage for your face. Always to be used upwards and outwards, it aids in draining excess fluids under the skin while reducing inflammation – making it particularly useful after a late night.

As interest grows in health-focused and sustainable products, plant-based products are gaining attention. Harnessing the power of plant remedies and botanicals, the new surge of brands are offering the power of active skincare with the gentleness of natural ingredients. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins and emollients, botanical extracts are the perfect building blocks for truly effective complexes that deliver powerful benefits. Because they’re made from plant material instead of chemicals, plant-based products have been found to be less harsh on the skin because they don’t strip the skin of its natural oils and moisture like traditional products do.

Related article: How to choose the right products for your skin

Being housebound over the last couple of years has pushed us to adopt healthier self-care routines, prioritising wellness and overall wellbeing. As a result, the demand for male masks has boomed. From sheet masks to LED light therapy, new and exciting innovations have been launched. Offering a plethora of benefits especially to men’s skin, which may suffer from damage, scarring, burns and nicks due to repetitive and intense shaving, face masks can nourish the skin in a way that boosts its elasticity and soothes any past or future injuries.

Brands aren’t only focusing on treating the skin topically these days. There’s a rise in the number of oral skincare supplements hitting the market. Known as nutricosmetics, it’s where nutrition, nutraceuticals and personal care overlap. Whether in the form of supplements, powders, smoothies or gummies, the logic goes that by feeding the skin from the inside out (with beauty-boosting ingredients absorbed in the gut and delivered via the blood to the dermis), there should be a more significant and longer- lasting effect on appearance than can be achieved by smothering creams and lotions on the outer layer. Complement your go-to skincare products with well-researched supplements and foods for a more holistic approach.

Related article: No-fuss grooming tips for men

Botox for men, or BroTox, is the latest trend among men trying to slow down the ageing process. With zero downtime, this rather painless and quick ‘tweakment’ involves a series of injections of botulinum toxin, which works to temporarily relax the facial muscles that cause wrinkles. The most popular areas where men get Botox are in the corners of the eyes to treat or prevent crow’s feet, between the eyes to target frown lines and in the forehead to reduce deep creases.

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5 GROOMING TIPS FOR MEN 5 GROOMING TIPS FOR MEN Reviewed by Michelle Pienaar on May 30, 2022 Rating: 5
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