Scarves are a smart way to keep warm on cold days. Depending on its length and cut, you can tie your scarf to suit your outfit or style. Find what works for you from these three easy demonstrations.

The Hidden Knot
Steps to achieve the knot:
  1. goog_2005266312Make one loop around your neck
  2. Make a knot at the front that fits snugly around your neck
  3. Wrap the first loop’s fabric over the knot to hide it
Style tip: Tying a scarf in this way hides the knot and is neat and tidy.

The Fake Knot
Steps to achieve the knot:
  1. Take one side of the scarf and make a loose knot
  2. Take the other side of the scarf and pull it through the hole of the knot
  3. Pull the knot tight so it sits comfortably around your neck
Style tip: Tie the knot a little looser for a more casual look.

The Infinity Loop
Steps to achieve the knot:
  1. Take two end corners of your scarf and tie them together
  2. Swivel the knot so it is at the back of your neck
  3. Twist the scarf and pull the loop over your neck
Style tip: Flip one part over your head as a head cover for added warmth.

Scarf 129,99
Knit Top 199,99
Coat 419,99
Denim from 249,99

STYLISH WAYS TO TIE A SCARF STYLISH WAYS TO TIE A SCARF Reviewed by Michelle Pienaar on July 13, 2022 Rating: 5
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